Honours Bachelor of Science for Computer Science and Earth Science from University of Toronto. I'm a generalist that will get hyper fixated on a project and see to its completion even sometimes to a fault. In my spare time I do long distance bike rides, go fishing, forage for wild food, and hike around the trails up north. If you think you have an opportunity I might be interested in that doesn't involve on-call, check out my resume so we can get in touch .
- Design, develop, and test SAS programs/ETL for SAS ECM.
- Support SAS Application in Unix, Linux and Windows.
- Automated monitoring of batch jobs via Python in production environment for enterprise level applications such as AML (Anti Money Laundering) and Credit Reporting. ROI was $10,000+ /month
- Manipulate large datasets from satellite microwave readings against in-situ soil moisture measurements to establish the feasibility for satellite readings as a replacement for in-situ measurements.
- Manage tutorial sections and mentor students on software engineering practices and principles
- In charge of marking and creating test case scripts for student assignments
- Routinely worked on frontend, backend, database, and bug testing for Permit to Take Water and Pesticides Application
- Worked on IBM Watson project for AI based support line on Permit to Take Water Application
- Contributed towards Google Tensorflow project for prediction of illegal waste dumping parties
- Two week course with emphasis on geologic mapping, structural geology, stratigraphy, and oceanography
- Created stratigraphic columns, cross sections and geologic maps of the Whitefish Falls and Manitowaning Area
- Examined the Huronian Supergroup and their relationships with weathering and regional metamorphism over a
geologic time scale along with deciphering causes of unconformites and irregularities in each outcrop
- Ensured all company computers were operating properly at all times
- Routinely created backup of all data files to ensure speedy recovery in the event of data loss or breach
- Organized and sorted all digital and physical copies of company documents to facilitate accurate and timely retrieval of required information
Web game, get points by grazing monsters or by surrounding them with boxes, WAXD and click controls supported
Treasure hunting game incorporating user input and a variation of Dijkstra's algorithm written in Java
"either-or" PHP game where users are given two restaurants to choose from based on preference, restaurant inputs from users are tallied in a scoreboard of most popular to least popular in the webapp
Mock file system based on Bash written in Java
Commands include: cat, cd, cp, echo, exit, get, grep, history, ls, man, mkdir, mv, numver, popd, pushd, and pwd
Chatserver with pseudo ai written in C
Mock SQL written in Scheme
Functions include: SELECT, FROM, ORDER BY, WHERE, AND, and OR
Kernel program that intercepts system calls and monitors PIDS accessing it written in C
Mock TLB incorporating fifo, lru, clock and Belady's replacement algorithm written in C
Unix command line utilities implementing the EXT2 file system written in C
A centralized school clubs message board for UofT students to join and participate in written with a MEAN Stack
Python utility used to scrape soil moisture and precipitation values from all the stations in the Michigan Automated Weather Network (MAWN)
What is this, I don't know?